Music ScholarshipHanover College hosts scholarship competitions each year for prospective students to compete for awards based on their musical interests. Participation in the Music Scholarship auditions is granted following submission of the application below. Auditions are held in different formats depending on the preference and comfort of the student and our staff.Scholarship and audition details: The Hanover College Music Scholarship is designed to honor talented high school students who have demonstrated a passion for band, orchestra or choir*. This scholarship requires an audition for entry into any ensemble in which a student is interested. Continued participation in that ensemble is required for students to received this renewable $2,500 award. Auditions for either type of ensemble should include a conversation about a student's musical experience and ambitions. Auditions are a way to show passion and enjoyment of music - it should be viewed as a positive, affirming experience. Put your best foot forward and enjoy it!Instructions for each type of audition will appear below as the form is completed.*Instrumental music scholarships are available for orchestral instruments (bowed strings, woodwind, brass, and percussion).Questions? Please contact the Office of Admission at or 812-866-7021.Loading...Basic InformationFirst Name*Preferred First Name(Is there a name you prefer to go by that's different than your given first name?)Last Name*Birthdate*Birthdate*JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Contact InformationStudent Email Address*Student Cell Phone Number*High School*Academic InformationMusical InterestsI would like to be considered for the following music scholarship:* (Students may not receive two music scholarships, but may audition for both.)I would like to be considered for the following music scholarship:* (Students may not receive two music scholarships, but may audition for both.)Band or OrchestraChoirBothWhat orchestral instrument(s) do you play? (Press ENTER or TAB after you have typed in your instrument(s).)What is your voice type?*What is your voice type?*AltoBaritoneBassOtherSopranoTenorHow would you prefer to audition? (Choose only one.)While video submission is an option, we highly suggest in-person auditions if possible.How would you prefer to audition? (Choose only one.)While video submission is an option, we highly suggest in-person auditions if possible.In PersonBy Submitting a VideoInstructions for your instrumental audition:Jonathan Stanley, Visiting Professor of Music, will be holding in-person auditions for interested students. These auditions will be held on Hanover's campus between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Fridays. These auditions must be completed no later than 11:59 p.m. EST on December 15, 2024. Auditions with Prof. Stanley typically last between 20 and 30 minutes. Students should prepare to: Perform two prepared pieces in contrasting style (fast v. slow, for example) Share more about their interests, musical experience to date, and discuss why they would like to continue musical performance. All questions or concerns may be directed to admission staff scholarship coordinator, Brett Eppley, interested students, instrumental auditions will be accepted by video submission. Videos should be recorded in one sitting, and have minimal (if any) editing. If it is discovered that videos appear to have been edited in a way that belies a student's natural skills, that student will be disqualified. Once complete, videos should be uploaded to YouTube or stored on a public Google Drive, and the link shared in the space provided below. Naturally, this means your video must be available to share at the time you submit this application form. Directions on the content of the video are as follows: Students should introduce themselves, share more about their musical experience to date, and explain why it is that they'd like to continue musical performance. Perform two prepared pieces in contrasting style (fast v. slow, for example). Passages of about one page in length taken from longer works such as study pieces or solo literature are acceptable. Piano accompaniment is not required. Recorded video auditions may require a follow-up interview (virtual or in person).Instructions for your choral audition:Dr. Madlen Batchvarova, Professor of Music and Director of Choral Programs, will be holding in-person auditions for interested students. These auditions will be held on Hanover's campus between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. during a scheduled individual visit. Individual visits can be scheduled online at These auditions must be completed no later than 11:59 p.m. EST on December 15, 2024. Auditions with Dr. Batchvarova typically last between 20 and 30 minutes. Students should prepare for: A range test for placement within the choir, singing five note scales with the piano, moving upward or downward by half-steps (otherwise known as a warm-up). Students will then be given the four-part choral sheet music for "My Country 'Tis of Thee." The director will ask students to identify the position of their voice on the score (soprano, alto, tenor or bass), the clef, time signature, the signs for sharps and flats and a few pitches. Students will be asked to sing the melody with lyrics to the first verse of the song. If preferred, students may sing their voice part if not soprano. Students are welcome, but not required, to prepare and perform a song or aria from standard classical solo vocal literature in any language. In this case, students wishing to perform with accompaniment should bring their own electronic device. However, accompaniment is not required. Students should also be prepared to discuss their past musical experiences and interests. All questions or concerns may be directed to admission staff scholarship coordinator, Brett Eppley, interested students, choral auditions will be accepted by video. Videos should be recorded in one sitting, and have minimal (if any) editing. If it is discovered that videos appear to have been edited in a way that belies a student's natural skills, that student will be disqualified. Once complete, videos should be uploaded to YouTube or stored on a public Google Drive, and the link shared in the space provided below. Naturally, this means your video must be available to share at the time you submit this application form. Directions on the content of the video from Dr. Madlen Batchvarova, Professor of Music and Director of Choral Programs, are as follows: Students should introduce themselves, share more about their musical experience to date, and explain why it is that they'd like to continue musical performance. Then, using the four-part choral sheet music for "My Country 'Tis of Thee," included in a follow up email (or available by download here), students should sing the melody of the song with lyrics. If preferred, students may sing their voice part if not soprano. Students only need to perform the first verse of the song. Recorded video auditions may require a follow-up interview (virtual or in person).In preparation for your choir audition, download "My Country, Tis of Thee" sheet music here.Video Submission Link:Paste the link to your recorded video audition here. If this link is hosted through Google, please make sure that it has been made public so that we may access it.Select your preferred date:*The College is on Thanksgiving break from Nov. 25 through 29, and winter break from Dec. 6 through Jan. 5, 2025. Faculty will not be available between these dates.* Based on your choice of in-person audition, our staff will be in touch to assist in scheduling your appointment. Using the calendar tool below, please choose a weekday before December 15, 2024 that would best suit your schedule. Keep in mind that these will be held between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. EST.* *Choosing your preferred date here does not guarantee that your audition will be held on that date, but our staff will do what's possible to accommodate.Submit